Forms and Information
Welcome to the SEND page
Policy for SEND and Inclusion SEND Information ReportThe Woodland
Support for ParentsMental Health & Wellbeing
Childcare, Clubs and Events
When SIAMS visited us in October 2019, they reported that:
"Pupils are treated with dignity and respect no matter their needs. Difference and diversity are celebrated."
At Sutton CE (VC) Primary School every child matters and every child's achievement and more importantly their effort is celebrated. Our staff 'strive' to ensure that we are inclusive in everything that we do and that every child, no matter their need, have the opportunity to be the very best that they can be. We educate the whole child recognising the importance of wellbeing and mental health in striving to help children to reach their full potential.
To access more about the specific SEND provision at our school, please click on the SEND information report or SEN and Inclusion Policy tabs.
By clicking on the Local Offer link below you can find out more about what is offered by the Local Authority with regards to SEND and independent advice and support can be accessed through SENDIASS.
Sam Wallace
Assistant Headteacher/ SENCO
01353 778351