Our Curriculum
Curriculum Padlets
Knowledge Organisers
Relationship & Sex Education
MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)
Spanish (Years 5 and 6)
Hola y bienvenido
This half term we will be extending sentences using pero and tambien.
We will be using a familiar story in Spanish to explore more language. features.
We will also be learning the days of the week and revising numbers to 20.
1. Have a look at this magazine in Spanish. You won’t be able to read all of it but you will be surprised by how much you understand using the pictures and the words that you know:
https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/etc/classroom-magazines/reader.html?id=78-0901192. Listen to the story of The Three Little Pigs in Spanish (Los Tres Cerditos)
Which words do you already know? There is a translation on the page as it is read. You might also like to find other familiar stories read in Spanish.
Why is learning Spanish Useful?
- Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language on Earth, ahead of English and behind Mandarin
- The official language of 31 countries, It is spoken by around 414 million people, that is just under 1/5 of the Earth's population
- Spanish is also the 3rd most used language online behind English and Mandarin
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe once said, "He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own"
Useful Links
1) Primary Languages – http://www.nicurriculum.org.uk/pl/
Interactive stories, rhymes, activities and word banks.
2) Spanish Games – https://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish.htm
Interactive games covering numbers, food, phrases and colours.
3) Rock and Learn – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlu39W8Ifks&list=PLjHgrj6tC7AaCUERGy8WmGuuodSgheYYh
Learn Spanish for Kids – Numbers, colours and more. Also more videos in playlist. 20 – 40 minutes.
4) Stories, poems and songs – https://www.littleredlanguages.co.uk/stories/es
Stories, poems and songs in Spanish and English. Tablet friendly.
5) Spanish lessons – https://www.busuu.com/en/keep-kids-learning#live-lessons-table
Daily Timetabled Spanish Lessons. Previous lessons available on webpage.
6) Spanish Games – https://primarygamesarena.com/Subjects/Spanish
Collection of Spanish games for all ages. Some are tablet friendly.
7) Spanish Activities – http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2spanish.html
Collection of games, activities and videos. Some are interactive.
8) Lessons and games – https://www.spanish-games.net/
A large selection of games, lessons and resources for key stage 2.
9) Interactive games – https://rockalingua.com/games
Interactive games to assist children and parents.
10) Video Clips – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zxsvr82
Collection of classroom clips for counting, playground games, food and drink, animals etc. Short clips 5 minutes each.
11) Rachel Hawkes – http://www.rachelhawkes.com/Resources/Yr3/Yr3.php
Lesson for individual year groups. Can change year groups on the left hand side under Primary Resources.
12) Calico Spanish - https://calicospanish.com/learn-spanish-with-videos/
Lots of games, videos, activities and songs for learning and revising Spanish.