Forest School

Our Curriculum

Forest School

At Sutton we strongly believe in the value of learning outdoors. Not only does this support a greater understanding of nature and seasonal changes, but it also promotes physical health and exercise, mental health, emotional well-being and results in happier children and adults!

We are developing a wild space on the school grounds where children will be able to explore the natural world, develop their confidence and resilience as well as supporting their well-being.

We will go out in almost any weather conditions. We have regular scheduled sessions on a Friday afternoon, but are frequently found outside throughout the week as the outdoors lends itself to many of our lessons. This term we have made use of the outdoors to explore shapes and numbers found in nature and have retold and performed stories around our new log circle.

We are very much looking forward to developing this ‘wild area’ over the spring and summer term….. watch this space!

The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23
University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner 24-25