Sessions & Fees

Pre-School Sessions and Fees

Paintbox Pre-School is open for two sessions daily each weekday, session times are:

Morning session 09:00-11:45

Afternoon session 11:45 - 15:15 (including lunch time)

As a registered charity we run as a non-profit making establishment therefore our current sessions fees are £5.05 per hour.

(Fees are revised periodically and may as a result increase).

Paintbox is registered to receive funding for children in the term after they turn 3 years of age. 15 & 30 hours of funding is available to all eligible children providing we have the space. We are also able to provide spaces for funded twos when eligible.

The fees are £5.05 per hour, payable half-termly in advance.  

For new starters, the first invoice will be raised and posted to you along with other registration paperwork and will need to be paid in full before your child’s first session.  Subsequent invoices are raised at least 2 weeks before the end of each term for the following term and are required to be paid in full before the start of the term.

Prolonged absence from Pre-School due to sickness or a hospital stay should be discussed with the Management Committee and a mutual agreement arrived at regarding fees.

Our Admissions Policy operates on a date of birth system; a copy is available for your information. 


After School Club and Breakfast Club Fees                                                                                            

The fees for breakfast club are £5.05 per hour.  07:30 start time will be charged at 1.25 hours and 08:00 start time will be charged at 0.75 hours. The fees for after school club are £5.05 per hour.  The first 45 minute slot will be charged at 0.75 hours and each half hour slot will be charged at 0.5 hours. The fees for siblings are £4.55.  Invoices are raised half-termly and are payable in advance. For new starters, the 1st invoice is required to be paid in full before your child’s 1st session. Subsequent invoices are raised at least 2 weeks before the end of each term for the following term and we must be in receipt of payment in full before the start of the term.

There is an additional £10 registration fee per family. Fees must still be paid if children are absent without notice for a short period of time. If your child has to be absent over a longer period of time, please talk to the manager, June Schembri. Childcare vouchers are accepted.

A four week notice period is required when leaving the setting.

The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
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University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner 24-25