The Woodland Day

The Woodland day runs at slightly different times from the rest of the school. This is so that we can ensure the day starts and ends calmly. 
Monday      8.30am - 3.30pm
Tuesday      8.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday 8.30am - 3.30pm
Thursday    8.30 - 1.15pm
Friday        8.30 - 3.30pm
Some of our children arrive by taxi each day. The Woodland staff will greet them each day and support them from the taxi to the classroom through our own entrance to the school. At the end of the day, The Woodland staff will ensure children are safely in their transport before coming home. 
Children can have access to small group lunchtimes supported by Woodland staff. 
If children prefer and if safe to do so, they can enjoy break and lunches out with the rest of the children in the school. We have lots of lunchtime clubs and our older children act as Friendship Ambassadors and Play Leaders to support all of children to feel happy and safe. 
 Learning and Lessons
Our Woodland teacher plans individually for each child accessing the resource base. She bases this on the mainstream curriculum and their individual targets. We support children at their own pace to access classes with their peers as much as they feel happy and safe to do so. 
Children in The Woodland have increased focus on their Personal, Social and Emotional Development. This means there will often be PSHE lessons throughout the day including using our developing forest area and kitchen facilities. 
Children are encouraged to access learning using a range of ICT. Children will have access to laptops and ipads.
If children become overwhelmed, they will be able to access both indoor and outdoor sensory equipment including a light room. All of these are currently in development. Each child has their own work station where they are able to work free from distraction when in The Woodland. 
Children in the Woodland can choose to wear our school uniform each day whether this be the day to day uniform or the PE option (House colour T-shirt and shorts/ jogging bottoms and trainers). 
The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23
University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner 24-25