Parent Support

Early Intervention Family Worker
Please check on the SEND pages of the website for further information

Here are some resources and links to support mental health and wellbeing…


Conflict in the home impacts children's outcomes - their wellbeing, future relationships as well as their academic success. Do consider these fantastic courses to reduce conflict between carers. They are FREE and you can work through them in your own time. We are happy to support you accessing these if you need, so do make contact with the school office or the safeguarding team. These are confidential - you do not need anyone outside the training providers to know. 

Free courses for parents

  • Me, You and Baby Too – Designed to help new and expectant parents cope with the changes that could happen in their relationship when they become parents and learn how to cope with stress and conflict constructively.
  • Arguing Better – Designed to raise awareness of the impact parental conflict can have on children and help parents develop better ways of managing stress and arguments together.
  • Getting it Right for Children – Designed to support separated parents, helping them to avoid the harmful situation of their children getting caught up in the middle of their conflict.
  • Debt & Relationships – The impact of debt on relationships and support around what to do when you or your partner are having concerns around money.

How to Register

Parents can access the course by visiting One Plus One, or scan the QR code on the posters.

“I found the course really helpful - one of the best things I have done for my family. The course creates a different mindset where you are seeing the couple relationship from the viewpoint of the children. I got a lot out of it. I recommend the course 100% to other parents.”

If you need additional support with reducing conflict in your relationship and have at least one child aged 0-18 years, please speak with a professional you may already be working with. This could be your child’s school, health visitor or nursery.

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What is Domestic Abuse?
It in consists of any of the following:
▪ physical or sexual abuse
▪ violent or threatening behaviour
▪ controlling or coercive behaviour (inc. beyond separation)
▪ economic abuse
▪ psychological, emotional or other abuse
▪ and it does not matter whether the behaviour consists of a single incident or a  course of conduct or directed at another person e.g. victim’s child
What is controlling behaviour?
A range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour.
What is coercive behaviour?
An act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.
How can I get help?
  • Calling police - call 999. If it’s not safe to speak – use the Silent Solution system, call 999 then press 55 when prompted. Or if can’t use voice phone text REGISTER to 999.
  • Contact Cambridge Women’s Aid (City/South/East) 01223 361214
  • Contact Refuge (Fenland/Hunts/Peterborough) 07787 255821
  • Cambridge Rape Crisis 01223 245888
  • The Elms SARC 0800 193 5434
  • Domestic Violence & Abuse
  • Hestia Hestia – supports adults and children
  • Do contact us too, we are here to support you
The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23
University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner 24-25