
Our Curriculum

At Sutton, we strongly believe that good spelling is an essential skill which allows children to communicate their understanding in all curriculum subjects. If pupils are to become effective and confident writers, they need to develop a love of language, a knowledge of words and to adopt and employ a range of spelling strategies. 

What this looks like at Sutton

By adopting a consistent approach to the teaching of spelling, we aim for the children to develop confidence and accuracy when spelling across the curriculum. We understand that people may approach spelling in different ways, therefore we will expose children to and teach a range of strategies. In doing so we aim to: 

  • Help children recognise that spelling is a valuable, lifelong communication skill

  • Encourage children to take an interest in words

  • Encourage children to have a positive view of themselves as spellers

  • Encourage children to be aware of the reader of their writing

  • Encourage creativity, where children have the confidence to use and spell more challenging and ambitious words

We do this by:

  • Providing equal opportunities for all pupils to achieve success in spelling

  • Teaching the children a range of effective spelling strategies and supporting them in choosing the one that suits their needs 

  • Enhancing proofreading and editing skills

  • Supporting children to use a range of resources to support spelling e.g. dictionaries

The Church Of England Diocese Of Ely
School Games Gold 22/23
University of Cambridge Faculty of Education Partner 24-25